Take Me Out to the Ball Game!
Aversano DiBlasi Law, P.C. is proud to sponsor a baseball team in the Majors League for the Yorktown Athletic Club this season.
We look forward to a great season on the field for our team, and are happy to report some wins off the field! Our firm has assisted in the drafting of several legal motions that have secured wins before the Court. For example, in the case of Carolina Tramuta v. Best Market of Commack, Inc. (Index No. 601719/2018) on April 6, 2022, we obtained a summary dismissal of the plaintiff’s claims based in part on showing how the video evidence in this case show our client’s supermarket was not in any way negligent.
Similarly, on April 25, 2022, we again won summary judgment for our insured. In this case, Qahramon Navruzov. v. Mohamed Ali Merghoub, Raiser-NY, LLC, Uber Technologies, Inc., Uber USA, LLC, and Chi Kwan Ho; Index No.: 015149/2018, the Court ruled in our favor, granting summary judgment and dismissing the plaintiff’s complaint on the grounds that our client was not casually liable for the motor vehicle accidents.
Our well-written and comprehensive motions papers were what helped secure these victories. Let us help you hit some out of the park!